Every woman dreams of the day when that magic medicine will be made that will make the symptoms of menopause go away. Because we can't count on some miracle pill to magically appear we must research the alternative treatments that are available. It has taken more than 30 years for science to develop many ways to alleviate the pain and stress of menopause. Homeopathic solutions to menopausal symptoms have been known to help decrease the pain and stress of the change. Here are some of the popular menopause treatment options that are available today.Menopause symptoms can be difficult to adjust to. Sometimes that is actually a literal statement as well! Thankfully menopause treatment has advanced quite a bit over the last few decades. Many generations of women simply endured the stages of menopause without relief. Choosing from the various treatment methods available these days will assist you in decreasing your symptoms. Each woman's response to treatment is unique. Many of the available treatment methods do prove effective for many. Here are a few treatments you might think about looking into.Menopause has been compared to child birth, neither are fun to endure. The obvious or common signs of menopause often pose difficult challenges. Treatments frequently fail or take more time than a woman wants to wait for them to work. People who have no idea what they are talking about may offer you advice. You are experiencing days where you wish you were the only one on earth. After all, irritability is one of the symptoms of menopause that you are dealing with! Thankfully there is a veritable smorgasbord of menopause treatments available to you.

There are so many options you don't have to stop with one, you can keep trying. Here are a few menopause treatments that you might not yet have tried (but that have been proven to be effective).Every woman deals with menopause differently. Some women will try to treat the effects of menopause medicinally. Others try to fight the effects herbally. Still others try to deal with menopause through lifestyle changes. There are even women who try to pretend that menopause is not happening at all and do nothing to try to treat their symptoms. The good news is that women no longer have to suffer through menopause (unless they really want to). Women have lots of different menopause treatments available to them. Unfortunately there is not a menopause treatment that has a 100% success rate because every woman experiences menopause in her own way. Still, here are some of the more popular treatments that people are using today.Figuring out the best way to deal with your menopause can be frustrating. You probably have friends who have all found remedies that worked for them. They might even be pushing you toward the treatments that have worked for them. Try to remember that your friends mean well. They just want to help you find a way to feel better than you do now. Sadly, there is no menopause treatment that works the same way with every woman. This is because all women go through menopause differently. What works for your friends might not work well for you (and the other way around). Ask your doctor for help with your symptoms. Here are some suggestions your doctor might not make.

Exercise regularly to chase away hot flashes. Dressing appropriately can help you minimize the stress of a hot flash and cool down quickly. Endorphin levels are increased by maintaining a regular exercise program and helps keep you sane during hot flashes. Women who are able to pin down their triggers are often able to avoid hot-flashes. As soon as you can identify what it is that might trigger your hot flashes you should avoid those things as much as possible. A few of the things most women notice might cause their hot-flashes include spicy foods, changes in temperature, and alcohol consumption.One remedy for vaginal dryness is something called vaginal estrogen. In particular, this treatment can help decrease the discomfort a menopausal woman might experience during sexual intercourse. Vaginal dryness is largely decreased with this method of treatment. If you suffer with urinary tract symptoms this treatment may beneficial to you. Estrogen can me delivered in a tablet form, a ring form, or a cream form. Before you take the plunge into estrogen land, be sure to consult your medical professional.Add phytoestrogens to your daily food intake. Phytoestrogens come directly from nutrious foods. Lignans and isoflavones are two forms of phytoestrogens found in a variety of food you eat and might not realize. Did you know flaxseed contains phytoestrogens of the type lignans

Isoflavones are found in soy beans, legumes and chickpeas. These foods have helped many women avoid having to take hormone therapy treatments. Tests have shown some promise as far as phytoestrogens are concerned but there is no solid proof that they can completely replace hormones. There are few conclusive treatment results for menopause. Menopause symptoms have been reported to decrease under treatment conditions. Others have been known to respond better to hormone replacement therapy.Make sure you get at least thirty minutes of moderate exercise each day. Believe it or not, regular exercise is a very effective menopause treatment. Regular exercise, especially aerobic exercise cuts down on a woman's risk of cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and other issues that are associated with the aging process. Exercise can also help you sleep better each night and keeps you in good spirits throughout the day. Having endorphins flowing through your system is a great way to help you fight back against the symptoms of your menopause. Stress relief is another benefit of regular exercise!Make your pelvic floor as strong as you can. Most of the discomfort and physical symptoms you will feel are going to radiate from your pelvic area so having a strong pelvic floor can help you alleviate some of those symptoms. Your doctor will probably suggest kegel exercises every day--the same exercises you did to prepare for giving birth. Doing these pelvic exercises can also help relieve the symptoms associated with incontinence. What you do is strengthen the muscles in your pelvic area so that you can stay in good shape "down there." Don't believe anyone who tells you sex is not a treatment for menopause. Men of the universe Jump for Joy! Women who have regular intercourse report being less dry an have fewer complaints of discomfort. Decreased libido is a big problem for many women and when they let it keep them from having sex, the sex they do have is often uncomfortable and sometimes painful. Staying sexually active can help cut down on these problems. It may become necessary to discuss your condition with a medical practitioner if the symptoms become unbearable.

You have already likely heard from your doctor his opinion on beginning hormone therapy during menopause to help alleviate symptoms. Whatever treatment your physcian prescribes for you will depend highly on the severity of your symptoms. Estrogen therapy has been said to be the most effective treatment available. Regular office visits are required for if your doctor recommend you receive injections of estrogen. Your symptoms will dictate the specific dosage you are prescribed. Just because your friend offers you their medication does not mean you should use it. Ask your doctor which treatment is right for you before you begin any of them.

Increase your intake of Vitamin E.

You can't go wrong by using Vitamin E. Hot flashes can be decreased by increasing Vitamin E intake. Treatment using Vitamin E is also not absolutely conclusive. The best method of increasing Vitamin E intake is through the food you eat. The reason for this is becuase your system has a more difficult time breaking down the vitamin in pill form.

Yoga, whether or not you want to believe it, has been proven an effective menopause treatment technique. Studies have proven that women who regularly practice yoga do not have as many hot flashes. Regular yoga can also help to reduce just how intense a woman's hot flashes might be. Another reason that yoga is thought to be a beneficial menopause treatment is that, in addition to helping a woman's body feel better, yoga can raise her spirits as well.We shouldn't have to actually write this down but here it is: you need to eat a balanced diet to help your menopause treatments. When you eat a balanced diet that has lots of nutrients, you keep your whole body healthy. Obviously, a woman who is going through menopause is going to have much different needs than a woman who has not gone through menopause yet. The biggest difference is that a woman going through menopause (or who has already gone through it) needs more calcium. Health professionals agree that women going through menopause (or having gone through it) need at least twelve hundred milligrams of calcium every day to keep their bones healthy and prevent osteoporosis. Nevertheless, according to some studies, Bitter Gourd can help.

Set aside time for rest and sleep when possible. Doctors recommend menopausal women get a minimum of eight hours of sleep each night. Dealing with mood swings is easier after a full nights rest. Exercising just before bed is a bad idea and not recommended to menopausal women, however, a regular exercise routine and decreased caffeine intake are highly recommended to increase the liklihood of sleep. If you do these two things you are more likely to get the rest you need. Who would have thought something as simple as sleep could work as a treatment option for menopauseMany women who begin taking anti-depressants during menopause describe having fewer less severe symptoms. The brain's chemistry is altered by the usage of anti-depressants during menopause which has raised some eyebrows. Anti-depressants used during menopause are typically prescribed in small doses. The severity of your hot flashes may be diminished with the use of low dose anti-depressants. This has also been shown to improve mood and irritation levels. If you think this may be the right choice in treatments for you talk to your doctor about it. Anti-depressants take time to work. Results will not be immediately noticable, give them several weeks.Using black cohosh has been said to have benefits although inconclusively. Using black cohosh during initial menopause stages is said to decrease drastically the intensity of menopause symptoms.

The severe side affects of black cohosh have been seen in long term users to include heart, vision, nausea, headaches and dizziness to name a few. You should make sure you discuss use of this method with your doctor prior to inception. To avoid the above side effects do not take black cohosh for more than six months.Have regular checkups. Seeing your doctor only once a year isn't enough if you are menopausal. You should see your doctor every three or four months. This helps keep your doctor current with the different treatments you are trying, the symptoms you are experiencing and whether or not things are going well. If you are taking pharmaceuticals to treat your menopause symptoms, this will help your doctor keep track of that as well. Regular pap smears; lipid level tests and other screeners can also help your doctor catch conditions as they develop. This will be very helpful if you start to show signs or symptoms of developing osteoporosis or other conditions or diseases.Do we actually have to write out that smoking is a bad idea for women going through menopause Actually, you should not ever smoke. We understand that the beginning of quitting is going to make you angry and irritable but in the end it is a very effective menopause treatment. Women who give up smoking get fewer hot flashes. Women who do smoke tend to go through menopause earlier than those who do not. So cut out those cigarettes! Before you begin treatment for menopause consult a medical professional to ensure that you really are going through "the change" and that you are in good enough health first. Making some smart life altering changes and exercising regularly can help you avoid medical intervention. Hormone therapy may be an option for those who do not experience relief otherwise. Each female will react differently. This facts makes it necessary to meet with your doctor to discuss all of your options. Utilize your support system. There is hope, reach out for help and it will be granted.

Menopause treatments have tripled over the last two or three decades. The simple fact is that each woman experiences menopause differently. Many women will not require official treatment wheras others will. Just remember: you do not have to suffer through menopause if you do not want to! If you reach for the resources available you will have an easier time coping with the changes.

You should make smart choices wen deciding which menopause treatments to try. Your doctor is your best guide to menopause treatment, consult him often. In fact, you should talk to your doctor before you try any menopause treatment. The most important thing to remember is you are not alone.

All females will experience menopause in their lifetime. Locate a local menopause support group. Sometimes emotional support is a far better menopause treatment than any herbal or medicinal treatment that you can find.

Treating menopause is not universal. There is no one treatment that will work on every woman. Many women decide that the best way to deal with all of the symptoms of menopause is to combine the major types of treatments: lifestyle, herbal and medicinal. There are, however, some women who decide to only use one kind of treatment. Still others try to pretend that the menopause is not happening at all. You will figure out what is best for you. Do make sure that you take a moment to talk to your doctor about all of the different menopause treatments that you want to try. Don't try anything without a health professional's approval. You could accidentally do more harm to yourself than good.There are a lot of different variables when it comes to menopause treatments. A menopause treatment that worked wonderfully for all of the women you know might not work for you at all. This is why it is very important that you talk to your doctor if you find that you can't deal with your symptoms on your own. Your doctor will help you figure out the best menopause treatments for you, whether they are natural or medicinal. Eventually you will figure out the best treatment method for your symptoms and your situation.