The "change" brings about the desire for a magic pill to make it all go away. Alternatives to the "magic pill" do exist. Over the last three decades or so, science has developed quite a few ways to help ease the pain and stress women feel as they go through menopause. There are more treatments that are little known including herbal or natural roots, and plants and their derivatives that can also help alleviate symptoms. The following information may help you decide which treatments might work for you.Menopause symptoms are rarely a cake walk. Pain in the rear end can be associated with menopause symptoms. Menopause treatments have evolved in large degree over the last several decades. Not so long ago women would suffer through menopause with little relief. There are now many different treatment methods to choose from. Keep in mind that, because each woman goes through menopause differently, there are no tried and true remedies for symptoms. Many of the available treatment methods do prove effective for many. The following available treatments are definately worth exploring.Menopause is a difficult experience for any woman. Irritating is one description of the symptoms. Most treatments take exhorbitant amounts of time to actually show results and some never do. The amount of unsolicited advice you have received thus far is probably beginning to irritate you. You pray for the day when you go deaf so you won't have to hear everyone's advice. The instability of your emotions is a normal sign of menopause. Thankfully there is a veritable smorgasbord of menopause treatments available to you.

Try, try, try again is a good philosphy to have with regard to menopause symptoms. If one fails keep trying til you find one that works. See the following treatments for options you may not have discovered yet.All women deal with menopause differently. Some women will try to treat the effects of menopause medicinally. Some women choose herbs to fight the symptoms. Still other women want to deal with the menopause through changes in lifestyle. There are even some women who do their best to pretend that they are not going through menopause and they don't do anything for their symptoms. The great news for women is that, thanks to all of the treatments out there, there is no reason to suffer through symptoms. Women have lots of different menopause treatments available to them. Unfortunately there is no single absolute menopause treatment because every woman has a different menopause experience. That said, there are a lot of popular treatments that people use today.Figuring out the best way to deal with your menopause can be frustrating. You might have friends surrounding you that have found good treatment methods. They are probably even trying to push you to use their treatment methods. It is important to remember that your friends have good intentions. They just want you to find a way to feel better. Unfortunately not every menopause treatment works for every woman. This is because every woman has a different way of dealing with menopause. What works for your friend might not work for you (and vice versa). Ask your doctor for help with your symptoms. Here are some things your doctor might recommend.

The right clothing and a regular exercise routine can help reduce the intensity of those personal heat waves. The layers will help you cope with the sudden onset of a hot flash when you are out of the house. The stress you must endure during a hot flash can be minimized by increasing the endorphine levels created by regular exercise. Alot of women report significant triggers that create hot-flashes. Once you have identified your hot flash triggers, stay away from them. A few of the things most women notice might cause their hot-flashes include spicy foods, changes in temperature, and alcohol consumption.Vaginal estrogen is one remedy that has been proven to ease a few of the symptoms associated with menopause. This treatment can be particularly helpful indecreasing menopause related sexual discomfort. Vaginal dryness is largely decreased with this method of treatment. Some people have even reported that this treatment has helped them with urinary tract symptoms as well. Much like birth control the estrogen hormone can be administered in cream, tablet and ring forms. Before you decide to begin estrogen treatment it is highly recommended that you discuss it with your physcian.Add phytoestrogens to your daily food intake. Phytoestrogens come directly from nutrious foods. Lignans and isoflavones are two forms of phytoestrogens found in a variety of food you eat and might not realize. You will find lignans primarily in food that contains flaxseed, whole grains and many fruits and vegetables.

Isoflavones are also found in some beans. Women who prefer not to use hormone replacement therapy should choose these foods. Scientists do not know enough about phytoestrogens to make a solid case for or against them. Treatment results are not absolute. Decreased symptoms have been reported by some women. Although, many others have reported greater benefits from physcian assisted treatment.You need to do at least thirty minutes of moderate exercise every day. You might not like it but regular exercise is a great way to treat menopause. Regular exercise, especially aerobic exercise cuts down on a woman's risk of cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and other issues that are associated with the aging process. Not only does exercise help better your mood, it helps you sleep better as well! It is quite hard to give in to the symptoms of menopause when you are in a good mood! Stress relief is another benefit of regular exercise!Put some work into strengthening your pelvic floor. Because much of the discomfort and physical symptoms a woman deals with emanate from her pelvic area, having a strong pelvic floor can go a long way to helping you assuage your symptoms. Your doctor will probably make you do a specific amount of kegel exercises every day, the same exercises you had to do when you got ready to give birth. Doing these kinds of exercises can also help alleviate the symptoms that come with incontinence. Basically what you want to do is strengthen all of the muscles in your pelvic area so that you can stay healthy and in shape "down there". To all of the men out there, it's a myth that menopausal women don't need sex, it is actually a very effective treatment. Husbands of the world rejoice! A healthy regime of sexual intercourse has been reported to decrease vaginal dryness and discomfort as a result of sexual activity. Women who experience decreased libido and allow it to keep them from having sex will experience a higher degree of discomfort and dryness. Do not let your lack of libido keep you from remaining sexually active. Consulting your doctor for medical treatment could help restore your desire and minimize your discomfort.

The first recommendation your doctor will likely make to you is hormone replacement therapy. Tell your doctor all of your symptoms and how bad they really are in order for him to recommend the right dosages of hormone treatment. Studies show hormone replacement therapy to be the most effective treatment available overall. Regular office visits are required for if your doctor recommend you receive injections of estrogen. Every women is given the dosage that most closely related to her symptoms. Just because your friend offers you their medication does not mean you should use it. Talk to your doctor before beginning any sort of pharmaceutical or hormone replacement therapy.

Increase your intake of Vitamin E.

Vitamin E is a beneficial vitamin during menopause. Hot flashes can be decreased by increasing Vitamin E intake. Just as most other herbal remedies are said to be inconclusive as to their results, Vitamin E is no exception. It is best to ingest Vitamin E via food sources. The reason for this is becuase your system has a more difficult time breaking down the vitamin in pill form.

Yoga, whether or not you want to believe it, has been proven an effective menopause treatment technique. Studies have shown that women who regularly do yoga experience a decreased amount of hot flashes. The same studies show that the hot flashes yoga practitioners do have are not as intense as those who do not do yoga. Another reason that yoga is thought to be a beneficial menopause treatment is that, in addition to helping a woman's body feel better, yoga can raise her spirits as well.You should already know this, but just in case: a balanced diet is an effective menopause treatment. Keeping your whole body healthy boils down to eating a balanced and healthy diet. Obviously the needs of a woman who has is going through menopause are different than the needs of a woman who has yet to experience the change. The biggest difference is that a woman going through (and having gone through) menopause needs more calcium than someone who hasn't gone through "the change" yet. Health professionals agree that women going through menopause (or having gone through it) need at least twelve hundred milligrams of calcium every day to keep their bones healthy and prevent osteoporosis. Ideally, using Bitter Gourd is a great help in facing this dilemma.

Set aside time for rest and sleep when possible. Getting a good amount of sleep each night is imperative to your health during menopause. Your ability to cope with decreased energy and mood swings will be greatly influenced by the amount of sleep you get at night. Switching to decaf drinks will improve your chances of getting a full nights rest. Doing the above recommendations will help you get to sleep earlier and stay asleep longer. Did you know that rest was considered one of the top five treatments of menopause symptomsSome anti-depressants have been known to help with the symptoms of menopause. The brain's chemistry is altered by the usage of anti-depressants during menopause which has raised some eyebrows. Often the anti-depressants are given in a very low dose. It is likely that your hot flashes will become fewer and less intense with this treatment. This may also help you control your mood swings and stay more level headed. If you think this may be the right choice in treatments for you talk to your doctor about it. Don't expect a miracle overnight, these treatments take a while to get into your system and really start working for you. They need time to show any real change in moods or behaviors.One menopause treatment that is particularly dicey is black cohosh. Alot of early stage menopausal women who have used black cohosh have reported extremely fewer symptoms.

The severe side affects of black cohosh have been seen in long term users to include heart, vision, nausea, headaches and dizziness to name a few. If you do decide to try this treatment talk to your doctor about it. To avoid the above side effects do not take black cohosh for more than six months.See your doctor often. Getting a physical once a year is not enough for women going through menopause. At least four visits a year are necessary. This will help keep your doctor apprised of your symptoms and whether or not the various menopause treatments you try are working. If you are taking pharmaceuticals to treat your menopause symptoms, this will help your doctor keep track of that as well. Getting regular pap smears, lipid level tests and other screening evaluations will help your doctor catch conditions as they occur. This will be very helpful if you start to show signs or symptoms of developing osteoporosis or other conditions or diseases.Do we really need to tell you that you shouldn't be smoking when you go through menopause Strictly speaking, smoking is never a good habit. While quitting smoking can often add to an increase in irritability levels, over all, quitting nicotine is an incredibly helpful menopause treatment. Women who give up smoking get fewer hot flashes. If you smoke you will probably go through menopause earlier than your non-smoking friends. So toss out those cigarettes! As always, consult your physcian before beginning or ending any treatment for menopause. Many symptoms of menopause can be treated naturally and with smart lifestyle decisions. Other people find that they need help through drug and hormone therapy. Every menopausal woman will have a different result. The uniqueness of each person is what makes talking to your doctor so important. Utilize your support system. Help is available to you; you just have to ask for it!

For every symptom there is a treatment or two or three. Each woman is different and will respond differently to the effects of menopause. It can be difficult to determine whether or not treatment is even necessary for each case. Help is available do not forget that. If you reach for the resources available you will have an easier time coping with the changes.

You should make smart choices wen deciding which menopause treatments to try. It is highly recommended that you discuss all treatments with your doctor before you begin a new treatment. The reality is you should discuss treatment with your doctor prior to beginning any treatment for menopause. Loneliness is a symptom of menopause don't let it get you down.

At some point in every woman's life she will experience this "change". Talk to your girlfriends they will understand even if they cannot relate. Having a support group who understands what you are experiencing and how to support you through it will make the transition easier for all.

You cannot universally treat menopause. There is no one treatment that will work on every woman. Lots of women choose to mix medicinal, herbal and lifestyle menopause treatments to help them cope with all of the symptoms of their "life changes." Other women decide that they only wan to try one kind of treatment at a time. Still others try to pretend that the menopause is not happening at all. You will figure out what is best for you. Do make sure that you take a moment to talk to your doctor about all of the different menopause treatments that you want to try. Get approval from your doctor before you try anything new. You want to help yourself not hurt yourself.Treating menopause is quite variable. A menopause treatment that worked wonders for your mother, your sister or your friend might not do very much for you at all. This is why it is a good idea to talk to your doctor if you find that your symptoms have gotten difficult. A doctor will help you decide which type of menopause treatment works best for you: natural, lifestyle changes or medicinal and hormone replacement therapies. It might take some time but you will figure out the best method of treating your menopause.