Menopause is something that every single woman on the planet is going to experience. This is just a part of being female. Many women will try to think of ways to stop menopause from happening but nothing can prevent the stopping of that monthly cycle. Menopause onset can be very traumatic for some, especially those who don't know what kind of menopause symptoms to check for. Everyone has heard the stories of women going through "the change" but what are the real symptoms that women should pay attention to This article will tell you!Some of the many types of menopause symptoms a women going through "the change" might experience are difficult to recognize. Many women will experience a variety of symptoms of menopause while no two will be the same. Some people think that there are only a few very blatant symptoms of menopause. There are a wide array of symptoms related to menopause. Many symptoms of the change itself are not immediately recognizable. Only a few are without a doubt determined to be menopause. The important thing is to learn which symptoms are common. Helping other women through their "change" will give you a sense of purpose and perhaps make you feel a little better about having made the "change" yourself.Every single woman on the planet is going to experience menopause. It is just part of being a woman.

Almost no woman has an easy time dealing with the "change of life." Many women have to deal with years that are filled with terrible symptoms that are difficult to control. Many women worry about how menopause will affect the people in their lives. The good news is that if you learn how to identify the different menopause symptoms you will be able to comfort and help the women in your life who are dealing with this "change." Learning what you can about the symptoms of menopause will help you figure out what is happening to your loved ones' bodies and help them cope with the new phases of their lives.As much as many women may complain about their monthly menstrual cycles, the fact is that it is rare that a woman looks forward to going through menopause. The fact is that menopause is difficult for almost every woman. In quite a few respects, menopause can feel like a second puberty only this time, you are very aware of what is happening to you and how your menopause symptoms are affecting the people around you. Everyone needs to understand menopause symptoms because it helps them to be a better support system for the women they know who have to go through the change. Here are some symptoms to keep an eye out for if your wife, mother, girlfriend or daughter is around the age that menopause usually starts.There are so many different menopause symptoms and they are so varied that learning to identify every single one of them is quite difficult. There are some symptoms, on the other hand, that are quite common. Learning to identify the major symptoms of menopause is something that everyone should do. If you're a woman then understanding the symptoms will help you better deal with the change when it happens to you. If you're a man then learning the menopause symptoms of menopause will help you deal with the women in your life when they go through it. Here are some of the most common symptoms of menopause.

Perhaps one of the most "popular" and well recognized menopause symptoms is the "hot flash." A hot flash is when a woman suddenly feels too hot. A hot flash causes a woman's face to flush and she will start sweating. It is kind of like somebody temporarily turning up the temperature of your body way too high. Some will tell you that it is not all that different than a hyped up version of the feeling you get when you leave a cold room and go out into a hot sunny day. Hot flashes can occur at any time of the day or night. When the hot flash happens at night, it is called a "night sweat."Sexual desire and genital dryness are a few of the signs of menopause that men cannot fully understand. Now men: just because your wife or girlfriend is suddenly "not in the mood" does not mean that she is automatically menopausal. If your relationship is still strong and she's still interested in you just not sexual relations do not immediately assume it's menopause there are other causes of decreased libido as well. Try to be patient with her! The premenopausal woman is not thrilled with the changes going on either.The most annoying symptom, especially for the woman experiencing it, is losing her mental fitness. Many women report feeling confused, disoriented and that they have a hard time concentrating. Some women report disturbing lapses in their memory. Obviously this can be frustrating for you, but it is also frustrating for the other people in your life.

If the women in your life are forced to deal with this symptom try your best to be sympathetic. It is much more annoying for the woman than it is for you.One of the most easy to identify menopause symptoms is the mood swing. It is in this respect that menopause resembles puberty and, ironically, early pregnancy. A woman who is going through menopause is going to have a lot of sudden and hard to explain mood swings. She can be totally calm one minute. The next minute she will have burst into tears about something that she didn't care about last week. If one of the women in your life has started having these kinds of mood swings and isn't pubescent or pregnant it is possible that she might be menopausal. Try to have some heart!When women start to go through menopause they start to gain extra weight. Unlike other types of weight gain, however, this menopause symptom is localized. Women experiencing weight gain typically gain the most weight in their waist and thighs. This can cause the womens' waistline to totally disappear. Most women dread gaining weight. When it happens in this area, however, it can be especially traumatic. If you find that you are gaining weight only in these areas, especially if you don't typically gain weight here, you might think about seeing your doctor. You might be starting to show signs of menopause. One of the hardest menopause symptoms to find is the irregular heartbeat. This is when your heart will suddenly beat faster or slower without your having to do anything to prompt the change. A woman who is sitting still might feel a short race in her heart which quickly slows back down. Other women do not notice this symptom at all. Believe it or not, for some women, this only gets discovered when their doctors are looking for other things. A doctor checks the woman's heart during a routine exam and notices that it is not acting as it should. If you are the right age, this might just be a sign that you are going through menopause.

In some very cruel ways, menopause symptoms can mimic the symptoms of pregnancy. If you experience extreme fatigue you could be pregnant or premenopausal. "Crashing" fatigue is a common symptom of menopause. I am not talking about just feeling a little tired after a long day at work, i'm talking about major fatigue. Getting up in the morning becomes a nearly impossible task. It could become so strong that she cannot get through her day without taking several naps. Women who experience intense fatigue are often diagnosed as menopausal or premenopausal.

Incontinence is one of the more embarrassing menopause symptoms. The lost of smooth muscle tone is what causes incontinence.

This happens most often when people sneeze but it can also happen after laughing very hard. Different women will have different degrees of this particular symptom. Some find it only mildly annoying but easy to manage. This particular symptom can be incredibly embarrassing for some. Don't be too hard on a woman if she has to wear panty liners or other types of protective wear or if she has to find a bathroom whenever she sneezes.

Lots of women who are going through menopause say that one of their biggest menopause symptoms was a sudden onset of being unable to sleep through the night. If you're of a certain age and have suddenly lost the ability to fall asleep or stay asleep it is possible that you are going through menopause. Sometimes the inability to stay asleep is joined by night sweats or hot flashes. Other times it is not. Many times this symptom gets overlooked as nothing more than trouble sleeping. You should have your doctor give you a check up if you have this symptom, just in case.Changes in hair growth are probably the most embarrassing of all of the menopausal symptoms. Lots of women report that they start to lose hair in most of the places where it is normal for hair to grow (like the hair and the pubic area). As well as losing hair in normal places, they experience hair growth in weird places like on their faces and on their chests. Every woman has different types of hair growth. If you don't usually grow hair on your face or chest and you start to notice some appearing (while simultaneously losing hair from places where it should grow), call your doctor. You could be going through menopause. Nevertheless, according to some studies, Bitter Gourd can help.

A very famous menopause symptom is irritability. Do you remember how cranky you were when you started to go through puberty and how pretty much everything seemed annoying This is similar to the sensations a woman feels when she starts entering peri-menopause or full fledged menopause. If a woman you know is of a certain age and is suddenly annoyed or irritated by even little things that normally wouldn't affect them, it might not be PMS. It might be a sign of impending menopause.Many women will experience anxiety or panic attacks during menopause as a result of changing sense of security. This symptom alone can rear it's ugly head in many ways. For some women these sensations become so strong that they get mistaken for panic attacks. Should one of the women in your life begin to behave in this manner or have these symptoms you can probably assume she has begun to go through the "change". Try to help her stay calm and be sensitive to what she is going through.Increased levels of itchiness is a symptom of menopause that many women ignore because they don't know what it is. Some women who are dealing with the change of life say that their skin constantly itches and crawls. Dry skin does not feel this intense.

The best description is "it's like ants are crawling through my skin." This is a very disturbing sensation for women who don't know what it is that they are feeling. If you suddenly feel like you need to scratch or that your skin is crawling talk to a doctor. It might be nothing more than a simple skin condition. It might also be one of the signs that you are about to go through menopause (or have started going through menopause already).The most patently obvious menopause symptom is the deregulation of a monthly period. If you suddenly stop having your period or if it changes in frequency, duration or "strength" you could be going through menopause. Remember, it is not always missing your period that signals the onset of menopause. There are some women who get heavier than usual periods right before menopause starts. If you notice any change to your monthly cycle and are getting close to the age when menopause starts to set in, talk to your doctor.This might sound weird, but lots of women say that their natural scents and smells start to change when they start going through menopause. For some women, it is the change in the way the body smells that helps them realize that they are going to menopause. This particular symptom of menopause can be very difficult to detect. If you notice that one of the women in your life suddenly has a different scent and it isn't because she is wearing a new perfume or using a new soap it could be because she is going through menopause. Menopause is not any fun for women. Women have a very hard time going through menopause: they are not in control of their bodies or emotions and it is important that their friends and families understand that, if it were up to the women, menopause wouldn't happen. Sure a woman might rejoice over no longer having to go through a monthly "cycle" but in many other instances, menopause can be quite traumatic. Learning how to identify the symptoms of menopause will help you be prepared to help the women in your life deal with their "change of life."

In a word menopause is treacherous. It is one of the hardest things in life a women must endure. In fact, the family and friends of a menopausal woman will endure many of the same challenges. It is important to remember that a woman going through menopause cannot help what she is feeling or experiencing. The uncontrollable reactions to the metamorphosis occuring within a woman's body during menopause are unintentional. Be patient and try to help her as best you can. When her body has learned to adapt to the changes occuring within it she will slowly balance out again. Recognizing the signs of menopause will help you become more understanding of what's happening to her and ultimately make the process more manageable for you.

Many people liken menopause to puberty. In both cases the woman's body is going through a change that the woman has no control over. For most women menopause is the worst of the two simply because it has more symptoms and they are more severe.

Learning to identify menopause symptoms will help you better understand what is going on in your own body as you go through your change of life. If you aren't a woman you should still learn about menopause symptoms so that you can better support the women in your life who have to deal with the symptoms first hand.

Menopause is not a pleasant experience for anyone. Even if you are not having the symptoms yourself, at some point menopause is going to impact your life. You should definitely learn what you can about all of the menopause symptoms. This will help you provide the right level of support to the women in your life who experience it. In addition to being properly sympathetic this will also help you figure out what happens to a woman when she gets to a certain age. You might even be able to help the women in your life figure out what is going on when they start experiencing symptoms.Menopause symptoms are varied. Even if two women have the same symptoms they will experience them differently. Some women don't experience bad symptoms. For others they are strong and debilitating. Understanding the symptoms of menopause can do quite a lot both for you (if you are going through it) and the people in your life (who will be helping you through it). This article lists just a few of the menopause symptoms you might have to deal with. You should talk to your doctor so that you can learn what else to watch for.